Our Blog


We tell stories of very innovative, inspired, and wonderful business people who have decided to take their busines to the next level through ETH10k

Top 10 Must Have Kitchen Appliances That Will Make You Enjoy Cooking.

Top 10 must have kitchen appliances that will make you enjoy cooking. Cooking should be enjoyable, not just a chore.  From effortlessly creating smooth textures to simplifying laborious processes, these gadgets are designed to enhance your cooking adventures.  Whether you're a novice or a seasoned chef, these appliances transform...

Practical Strategies for Exceptional Customer Service

Can you remember that friendly market woman who knows each customer by name? You probably stop by her shop every time you're around even when you don't want to buy anything. Have you ever wondered why? It’s because you feel comfortable there. You feel like they want you there. Just like that market woman who greets shoppers with warmth and...


Tips for Holiday Season Sales

Tips for Holiday Season Sales For many vendors around the world, the end of the year has become synonymous with discount sales, price slashes, and a significant increase in orders. Generally tagged as holiday/christmas/end of year sales. However, navigating the holiday shopping frenzy necessitates careful planning, strategic execution, and a...

About ETH10k Platform

ETH10k is a registered Limited Liability Company in Nigeria RCN 1817367, with an online platform named ETH10k.io. ETH10k.io is Nigeria’s premium multivendor marketplace, created to empower local traders, businesspersons, or companies, to own online stores, with premium features that ensure seamless experience for all online shoppers, from the point of...


      I ASK………….  A THOUGHT-PROVOKING QUESTION…….!                                                 HOW DO YOU SEE SIDE HUSTLE???     Do you see...

Understanding and Leveraging on Digital Payment for Growth of Cooperative Business

Where are we coming from? We were formally known, called, and addressed as ‘Esusu’, ‘Ajo’ or ‘Etipbe’ people in some other clime. We were adopting the name as a traditional form of identify to raise funds among people of common interest for mutual support of our members. In this process, fixed and agreed amount of money was being contributed at an...


How to create a Great Listing that attracts Customers

How to create a Great Listing that attracts Customers Ideally, listing or sampling your products and how it was listed is the very first thing every customer sees. Therefore, creating not just any listing but a great listing attracts the attention of your audience to whatever you sell.  Here are  tips we've put together to...


I Love my cloth and shoe so much. Glad I shopped from Eth10k

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